Saturday 3 October 2009

Target Audience

'Abandoned' is a teenage thriller, we decided on this category for many reasons.  Firstly, many of the characters within the film are teenagers themselves creating a more adolescent enviroment, which may be more appealing to younger adults.  They can relate to the scenes in which the characters appear in, allowing them to create opinions and feelings toward characters.  The main focus for a film is to appeal to their target audience, as this is the key to failure or success.  We must ensure the content of the film is interesting and overall enjoyable to the audience in focus. 
We chose to brand the film 15, this is because we thought the content was too mature for anyone younger, we believe anyone less than 15 may find it hard to understand and relate to the scenes, they also might be disturbed by some of the images and ideas. However we didn't want to make it 18 because we thought we may miss out on a huge potential audience, and we did not believe it was necessary.

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