Monday 12 October 2009

Shot List

We produced a storyboard prior to creating the shot list. After creating the third draft of the storyboard the group felt as if they had created a polished list of the shots we would like to take during filming. We then added detail and put these on the storyboard. That detail has been stripped of this shot list so that it conforms simply to the shots we need to film.

  1. Black screen - inserted during editing, no filming necessary.
  2. "Whatever Productions", title slide, inserted during editing, no filming necessary.
  3. A Mid-Long Shot of the three girls from behind, a man or shadow of a man should be seen in the foreground.
  4. A secondary mid-long shot that is similar in everything except the proximity of characters. Diagetic sound to be recorded on set of laughter.
  5. A three-quarters shot of the girls, however looking at them from the front. We will hear low level in-scene sound of whispering, we won't be able to hear this. It will be heavily shadowed.
  6. A Mid-Shot of two girls (cut off one) dialogue from diagetic but also hear other girl in scene (non-diagetic)
  7. Mid-Close up shot of singular character, sound as before.
  8. Black screen - inserted during editing, no filming necessary.
  9. Black screen - inserted during editing, no filming necessary. There will also be a scream, we'll record this afterwards.
  10. "Holly Keane", title slide, inserted during editing, no filming necessary.
  11. A Close-Up establisher, side of lead's face. Must be shadowy.
  12. Big-Close Up from front looking up into lead face, if possible we would film this with her running on the spot. It would have to be very shadowy overhead to achieve the desired result here though
  13. "Hannah Jones, Fhahima Hussian", title slide, inserted during editing, no filming necessary.
  14. Close-up of erratic running feet. It doesn't matter whose this is.
  15. Continue with feet at close-up, slightly different angle, the feet stop here.
  16. Continuation of 15/16, similar to 15 with close-up of feet however opposite direction.
  17. Mid-Close Up of a path.
  18. Mid-Close Up of a path and character running into left hand side.
  19. Mid-Close Up of a path and character passing through, middle of scene here.
  20. Mid-Close Up of a path. (Character left)
  21. A mid-shot of character looking up from feet, the remainder of the body will be in view.
  22. A mid-shot of the feet of the character.
  23. A mid-shot of the torso/chest of character.
  24. A mid-shot of the characters face, a pan and swivel into this shot.
  25. A very-close up could be achieved here by entering closer to the scene. We are unsure whether to currently include this shot as it is unclear how we could achieve it well.
  26. A big-close up of the face will be in shot with a hand reaching out to touch it.
  27. The hand will be removed and a final big-close up shot will establish the remainder of the film.
  28. Black screen - inserted during editing, no filming necessary.
  29. "Abandoned", title slide, inserted during editing, no filming necessary.

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