Tuesday 13 October 2009

Inspiration Pictures

Prior to taking original images of the set we decided to look on the internet for some inspiration images, then when we went out to take some still shots of the set we would have an idea of what we wanted to achieve.

We found this image as a still for a film called 'Dark Woods'. We've previously commented on the film itself and decided that the overall plot and synopsis was very similar to the remainder of our film. This image sums up the final 5 shots before the title's.

The stranger in the wood is in no way a 'ghostly' spirit or supernatural but this image is quite good at showing his mysteriousness and the sensations surrounding him. The hand of the stranger becomes quite symbolic towards the end of our opening sequence and a lot of emphasis is placed upon himself and the way that he reacts to others.

We found it extremely hard to find an image that was like the atmosphere we would like to build up. In the woods itself we are looking for a more secluded area and without the bright lights that are in this picture. It's important that the image we found was based at night. The atmosphere built up by the failing light is a definite director on the way that the audience will be convinced to react.

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