Tuesday 6 October 2009

Production Plan

We have decided to film in chronological order. This makes the most sense because Holly appearance will change over time according to the order through the storyboard.

We are going to film on set over the period of one evening. We have planned this in the hope that the weather will be okay and dependent on the time that the sun sets. We would like to film from 17:00 - 19:00 on the days to create an eiree effect and to ensure that the correct filming light conditions are in place. If, for any reason, i.e weather,  we can't complete filming on the Thursday, we are taking Friday as a 'back-up' day.

We have decided on a location as a small woods. For practical reasons the wood is fairly quiet.  For atmospheric reasoning the woods is very isolated and can be used to create a feeling of being lost.

We have previously outlined the props that we need to collect and have assigned roles for each person to collect specific props. We have made arrangements to have both a camera and tripod over our shooting days. The storyboard will be on set when were filming and we are going to ensure that we have several copies. This is to ensure that the crew and cast are co-ordinated in filming and the roles are understood. We've made a plan to record our sound effect - Holly singing. We are going to do this a week prior to filming on the Friday.

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