Friday 2 October 2009


In order to create and produce an opening of a thriller film, to make it a success we have to include certain conventions, including props. We as a group came up with a variety of props to include in the Mise-en-scene to create the whole thriller theme.

These include;

Torches (F) - Creating shadows which create the mysterious and spooky feel, and is also an artificial light which will stand out amongst the dark woods during the night.
Fake Blood  (Hj) - Is a typical convention used for a thriller, yet works very effectively making the audience gringe in horror.
Beer Cans - (J) To create the party scene in which the girls are involved in.
Shoe - (Hk) A random shoe to show the audience a sign of escape.
Camp Fire  (N/A) -To create the whole camp atmosphere which takes place in the woods.
Costumes - (A) Casual teenage clothes, to show a sense of reality in the girls.
CD Player - (Hk) Instead of editing and attaching the music in the background, we decided that playing music in the scenes will create the more realistic sense of atmosphere i.e. hip-hop and heavy rock.

Note: Key to who's bringing what:

  • Hk - Holly Keane
  • Hj - Hannah Jones
  • F - Fhahima Hussain
  • A - All
  • J - Jakob Lewis

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