Tuesday 29 September 2009

Inspiration for Titles

Se7en sums up the way that we would like to open our film. The methods chosen by the director seem to directly reflect the way we would like to have our titles. We also think that the convention of flipping between titles and film is an exciting way to keep the audience interested.

We really like the font used. The font is of handwriting and we would like to incorporate something similar into our design. The music is also quite reflective of the scene and this is something that we might like to bring in. It gives the audience an idea of what to expect.

We also decided to look at the order the credits have been shown:
  • The production company
  • 'A film by' director/producer
  • Lead Star. Protagonist/the biggest pull name.
  • Co-stars
  • Title - As a group we like the way the title jumps to a bigger size and fill's the screen, this really grabs the attention of the audience and subtly highlights this certain portion of the credits.

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