Tuesday 22 September 2009

Draft Outline

Our film is of a thriller genre, we decided not to create a hybrid film because this is seen too commonly across the media industry. We have decided to add a lot of drama in our film - this is one of the main parts that we want to come across to the audience when they watch the opening scene. Our target audience will be a young adult age group. This will be conveyed through the modern surroundings and the age of the actors - not all of this will be apparent in the opening scene however. The dominant sound will be diegetic sounds - heavy breathing, heartbeats and footsteps. The non-diegetic sound will be a sinister undertone; this builds the overall atmosphere of a typical thriller opening - creating suspense and tension.

We came up with some potential locations for the opening sequence. These included a cave, an abandoned train tunnel and a woods. The woods was our final choice - the large expanse and the open area, we believed, creates a sense of being trapped. Because the area is of a similar nature throughout, the characters will begin to feel lost and confused, a human nature is to feel scared of the unknown. To add to the drama, we would try to film the sequence in early evening as the sunsets - beaming natural light, this would distort the true context of the situation.

Our opening will be seen from the point of view of a stranger in the forest. The stranger will have been abandoned, rejected and be disfigured. He will have a past of being harmed and he raised himself, alone in the forest - he now despises anyone who has a good image - anyone better than him.

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