Tuesday 10 November 2009


I feel our editing process was very successful; we all work extremely well together as a group; this meant that we could listen to all of each other’s ideas and make good decisions. The software was easy to understand, we all helped each other to work it out.
I'm very happy about the finished piece, and we got some more good feedback from other classes who watched it again.

They commented on the acting, saying it was very good, this makes our opening scene successful because if the acting was bad the audience may laugh at what is meant to be serious and thrilling.

They liked our music, saying the volume was perfect.

Overall i am very proud of what we have all achieved.

Sunday 8 November 2009


Although our opening title was exactly 2 minutes long as stated, from the comments amongst our colleagues and peers, they had mentioned that the titles were slightly long and does tend to drag uneccerasliy for a few seconds.

Therefore our group had decided, that instead of cutting out the less important titles, we thought of shortening the existing titles so that all the titles are exactly two seconds in length each, except the first and last title which are a second or two longer, as they are the most important titles which create more suspense.

Thursday 5 November 2009


The past two weeks the group has completed editing, titles and the creation of our background music.  We worked well as group,  we chose roles in the group that we thought suited our skills.  Jakob and fhahima, completed the editing of our filming.  Therefore Holly and Myself worked on music and sound effects. 
We managed to successfully make our opening sequence two minutes long and convey our storyboard well. Although we had some issues with titles to begin with we found a perfect font with a well suited effect feature.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Overall, the classes criticism was positive. They all seemed to be impressed with our opening scene.

Class Comments on our Opening Sequence.

  • The titles cleverly flash in time with the heartbeat.
  • The Lighting creates a scary atmosphere.
  • Really good.
  • Very scary
  • Like the titles font.
  • Love the Sepia effect.
  • Too Good.
  • Great sound effects.
  • Really Creepy.
  • Good Music.
  • Amazing acting.


  • Maybe too many titles throughout.

Tuesday 13 October 2009


We looked through various font lists to determine the kind of font that we are looking to use. We drew a short list, shown below:

All eight of the following fonts are possible candidates for our titles, however we will continue to look for other fonts in the case that we find something more suitable.

Motion Shot

One of the main concerns that we had before filming was the shots when Holly begins to run through the woods and we see her enter and run from left to right. To see the possibility's of running this sequence we enlisted a member of group to create a still's sequence of the event: